WPCAMR Western Pennsylvania Coalition
for Abandoned Mine Reclamation

Since 1982...

WPCAMR Quarterly Meeting

Meeting MaterialsHERE


WPCAMR means hope for
Western Pennsylvania's Streams

Western PA: WPCAMR Service Counties

WPCAMR works with watershed volunteers, technical remediation experts, and government agencies to reclaim lands and streams polluted by historic coal mining in Western Pennsylvania. A coalition of 24 county conservation districts, WPCAMR's efforts expand into areas where reclamation is limited, showing local communities that their dead streams can be clean and giving people hope where little existed in the past.

WPCAMR also works diligently with industry, high schools, and universities and endorses state-of-the-art technologies in conjunction with local grassroots efforts. After all, mine drainage solutions provide an educational experience for all involved.

Formed in 1982, WPCAMR is a nonpartisan, non-profit 501(c)3 organization funded through grants and bolstered by concerned citizen members.

For a broad look at a variety of solutions, please visit
the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Clearinghouse web site:


PO Box 295 Luxor, Pennsylvania 15662
email: info@wpcamr.org

© Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation